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Choosing Your Pointe Accessories

We all know that dancer, the one that opens her dance bag and it's like a dancewear store exploded. She has every exercise gadget, multiple water bottles, jet glue, lamb's wool, tights, gel pads, big toe cushions, toe tape, and so much more. But is all of that really necessary? Does it make her a better dancer or make her shoes more comfortable?

At Metronome Dancewear, we believe less is more, especially when it comes to padding in your pointe shoes. If you see someone wearing thick padding and multiple accessories inside the pointe shoe, it's most likely because they're experiencing pain, blisters, etc. One solution to that is to add items, like toe covers, but really, that's only masking the symptoms, not fixing the problem. 90% of the time the dancer needs to be refit because what she's wearing isn't working. It's a very common misconception.

If you ever experience additional pain, blisters, etc inside your pointe shoe, ask your local fitter about a solution before you add any additional padding. Anything extra you purchase to go with your pointe shoes should be to enrich the experience, not to mask unnecessary pain.

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